Expanding Utterances: Identifying and Labeling Spatial Concepts Goodnight Gorilla Activity

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by SpeechRUS

Price: 450 points or $4.5 USD

Subjects: speech,specialed

Grades: 14,13,1

Description: Students are presented with animals and objects from the book Goodnight Gorilla. Students are first asked to point to a specific spatial concept when given 2 different images. For example, "point ot the gorilla under the cage." After, students are asked "where" questions and presented with a sentence starter containing 3 empty boxes. Students are asked to drag and drop the correct items into the 3 empty boxes to expand their utterances while answering the "where" question. Students are asked to identify the follow spatial concepts: - in front - behind - on - under - next to - in between Some of the following IEP goals can be targeted during this activity: - Where Questions - Identifying Basic concepts (e.g. Spatial Concepts) - Expanding Utterances and increasing MLU