Eureka! Articulation Deck {Full Stimulus Deck}

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by The Speech Banana

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: specialed

Grades: 1,2,3,4,5

Description: This digital deck was designed as an outline and stimulus cue/game deck for producing /r/ with the Eureka! method of elicitation. Step 1: Drill the word ‘eureka!’ with excitement and increased volume (loudness) until the student is able to produce the word with 90% accuracy (over three consecutive trials). Step 2: Drill utilizing coarticulation by adding YOUR before the target word. For example, “yerrrrrrrrrrr” pause, and then “ed”. Slowly shape the production towards “yerrrrrrrrrred” and then “red”. You may need to revisit Step 1 when starting the transition to Step 2. Step 3: Start the "Tyler Drills", using any names ending in vocalic R that are significant to the student, e.g., “Heather runs!” and “Mother races!” Drilling with nonsense phrases may be necessary as well, such as “brother radio” and “taller run.” Continue requiring increase volume and tension. The Eureka method works on the “er” sound by placing a “y” before the “er” sound. Producing a "y" sound may help students because it places the mid-portion of the tongue towards the roof of the mouth, getting it ready for a good “er” sound! (“Eureka!” was first described and outlined by Priscilla Henderson Jones, CCC-SLP) Enjoy & Always Have Fun! Jenn Saliba - The Speech Banana