How to Answer Wh? Type Questions (Who, What doing, What, Where, When, Why)

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by Suddenly TeleSLP

Price: 750 points or $7.5 USD

Subjects: speech,expressiveLanguage,pragmatics,receptiveLanguage,socialAspectsOfCommunication

Grades: 13,1,2,3,4

Description: This product helps to teach the meaning of interrogative concepts: who, what doing, what, where, when, and why. It uses picture symbols and color coding for each concept/interrogative vocabulary. There are two levels. The first level provides the picture/color coded symbol, making it easy for the student to respond to the question and for the therapist to teach the meaning (ex. Who = person, What doing = action, What = object, Where = place, When = time, Why = reason). The second level assesses their knowledge and skill level after the teaching process. There are 81 targets in all.