French Clothing: Writing, Level 1

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by World Language Cafe

Price: 0 points or $0 USD

Subjects: language,nativeSounds,instructionalFrench,instructionalFrenchCanadian

Grades: 6,7,8,9,10

Description: Students listen to 25 French clothing items and then type the word in the box. Students can listen as many times as they'd like. Great listening and spelling practice! Really helps students learn the words and learn sounds in Spanish. Will greatly improve their spelling. Level 1 includes 25 clothing vocab words: des babettes, des baskets, un bonnet, des bottes, un boxer, un caleçon, une casquette, une casquette de base-ball, un chapeau, des chaussettes, des chaussures, une chemise, une culotte, des gants, un denim, un imperméable, un jean, une jupe, des lunettes, un maillot, un maillot de bain, un manteau, des mitaines, des moufles, un pantalon, un pantalon court, un pyjama, un pull, un pull-over, une robe, un short, des sous-vêtements, un sweat, un sweat à capuche, un sweat-shirt, un tee-shirt, des tennis, une tuque, des vêtements, un vêtement de pluie. If you'd like additional clothing vocabulary, check out Level 2. If there is another word that you would like to see included or if you have other suggestions, email me at: