Price: 300 points or $3 USD
Subjects: speech,specialed
Grades: 1,2,3,4,5
Description: Generalization of speech sounds is the final step of speech sound therapy, and often the most difficult step. Keep your students engaged while addressing generalization of the /sh/ sound in 6 different activities. There are opportunities to practice the /sh/ sound in initial, medial, and final position. Activities include: 1. "Would you rather/What would you choose" questions (9 question cards in total, 3 each for initial, medial, and final /sh/). NOTE: In the center-right space of these 9 cards, there are invisible, moveable squares. When moved, they reveal sentence ideas to inspire your students to say more. They are invisible so as to not be distracting. 2. Comparing/Contrasting (1 card) 3. Memorization game with photos (student looks at 6 pictures on one slide, then is asked to identify which pictures they saw on the next slide from a display of 12 choices). (2 cards) 4. Create your own tongue twister or story - photo/word bank included, as well as space to type your creation (1 card) 5. Uncover and practice telling /sh/-loaded jokes (6 jokes on 1 card) 6. Movement challenges - these 6 movement challenges are designed to be completed after the other 5 activities as they refer back to elements of previous activities. (1 card)