Price: 300 points or $3 USD
Subjects: language
Grades: 2,3
Description: This set includes 28 cards that help students practice describing shapes vocabulary in Spanish. They will describe the number and color of the different shapes. There are three types of questions. 1st: Read / listen to a sentence and move the shapes to the box. 2nd: Move the shape word to complete the sentence. 3rd: Choose between 3 options to describe the shape. Audio is included with this deck on the first 13 cards. Vocabulary included: el círculo el triángulo el rectángulo el cuadrado el óvalo el rombo el trapecio el corazón la estrella uno dos tres azul rojo verde anaranjado amarillo morado rosado blanco Hay Please check out my TpT shop if you're interested in more resources for elementary Spanish classes.