by My Teletherapy Room {Stacey Pfaff, CCC-SLP}
Price: 300 points or $3 USD
Subjects: speech
Grades: 13,1,2,3,4
Description: ⭐This activity targets the /f/ and /v/ sound in all word positions. You can practice this sound at the word or sentence level. There are two types of game boards in the deck. ☀Candy Craze Game Board☀ This game board is played similar to candy land. Students practice their sound on the articulation card and then move their "candy pawn" to the corresponding color on their card. There are "go ahead" spaces and "lose" a turn spaces. The first person to get to the candy castle is the winner! ☀Find The Castle☀ This game board is a great way to get a lot of repetitions. Students move their articulation cards to the "drop zone". When they move their articulation cards, they will reveal the "candy castle" or a piece of "candy". Three candy castles are hidden. The goal of the game is to find all of the castles. If there are more than one player, you can see who finds the most castles.