Recipe: Crispy Rice Marshmallow Treats

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by Wanda Ashby

Price: 150 points or $1.5 USD

Subjects: edtech,specialed,activitiesOfDailyLiving

Grades: 0

Description: This is a CRISPY RICE MARSHMALLOW TREAT recipe. There are 10 steps to this recipe. Each ingredient is listed on an individual card as it is added to the recipe using visuals. The recipe begins with obtaining the necessary ingredients and utensils. As the student progresses through the recipe, they check off when each step is completed. The final steps include storing the item and cleaning up the work space. Cooking is an important life skill benefiting many areas such as: social interactions, math, reading, following directions, problem solving, planning, organization, measuring, communication, critical thinking, financial awareness, confidence building as well as many others. Do you need a specific recipe not in my store, send me some feedback and I may make it!