Which BAG Melody do you Hear?

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by Amy Candland

Price: 200 points or $2 USD

Subjects: music,musicElementarySkills,musicBand,musicChoir,musicOrchestra,musicPiano

Grades: 2,3,4,5,6

Description: Perfect for recorder students or students working on 3 note melodies. A melody is played on a recorder using notes BAG. Students will hear the melody automatically for each card. They can click the blue recorder to hear the sound again, or click the ice cream treat of the notated melody that matches what they heard. Notation used: quarter notes, paired eighth notes, half note, quarter rest. Terms of Use: This Boom Deck is for individual use. It may not be shared with other teachers. You may use this Boom Deck for any/all students YOU teach and at any school(s) YOU teach at. If you talk about it or reference it online please link back to my Boom Store: https://wow.boomlearning.com/author/candylandmusic?ref=1 This product may not be reproduced or posted to the internet. It is a violation of copyright.