Les vêtements des amis | CLOTHES ORAL COMPREHENSION

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by Beary Bears Learning

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: language,instructionalFrench,nativeFrench,instructionalFrenchCanadian,nativeFrenchCanadian

Grades: 14,13,1,2

Description: Les vêtements des amis. On pratique le vocabulaire des vêtements. Écoute bien et clique sur la bonne personne. Fichiers audio. *****Our friend's clothes. We practice the clothes vocabulary words. Listen to the sound clip and click on the correct person. Sound files in French. Here are simple, interactive, and self-correcting games that will allow your students to practice and discriminate the French vocabulary words for clothes. I added letters above the clipart to facilitate group activities during online learning. This deck has 20 cards. ☼ If you enjoyed the game, please leave a review. It would be greatly appreciated. I would also love to hear and see how you are using this product in your classroom or for at-home learning. Please consider tagging me on your posts. ♥♥ Thanks for visiting my Boom Learning store. ♥♥