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About me: <p>Hi, I'm April, the creator of KeyMasters Academy and Presto Theory! As a pianist and dedicated teacher, my passion is helping children achieve the high-quality music education they deserve.</p> <p>Presto Theory Boom Cards are designed to reinforce the concepts from the RCM Elementary Theory books in a fun, interactive, and self-grading format. These tools ensure your students not only grasp the material but also build a strong foundation as well-rounded musicians. My students absolutely love using these Boom Cards, and I know yours will too!</p> <p>I’m the proud owner of Ms April's Music Studio, where I’m not only committed to providing every resource possible to help my students succeed, but where I also provide resources &amp; valuable information for teachers - just like you! </p> <p>For more programs and information, check out my website:</p>
