Price: 500 points or $5 USD
Subjects: sel,speech,specialed
Grades: 13,1,2,3
Description: Social Story: A positive behavior support to use with individuals who are displaying behaviors that you would like to modify. The social story should be read to the individual daily if possible. This will help ensure the best results. The language of the social story is written in a positive tone. There is a strong focus on feelings in the story and changes are discussed positively. This positive focus is intentional and presents a positive way to adjust behavior. These social stories are written in broad terms. Various images and people are used throughout. Questions: After each social story there are three question pages with a right and wrong answer. This will extend the learning and allow for another level of comprehension. Choice Page: Also included in this product is a set of choice images that can be used with individuals who are non-verbal/minimally verbal. They can use these to request items they may need to be more successful. Use the free choice button if they want to select something not on the list. How to Navigate: Use the arrows to move to the page before or page after. Use the home button to go to the main page.