Waiting Is Not Easy- Self Management- Social Emotional Learning With Puppet Video (With Audio)

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by Annie's Classroom

Price: not for individual sale

Subjects: sel

Grades: 14,13,1,2,3

Description: **Note**There is another deck in my store with "autoplay" audio whereas this one has just optional audio (you need to press play to hear the sound). In this puppet video students will learn how to be patient and why it is important. Tommy is so excited to tell you about his school day and what he learned. Unfortunately he runs into some problems when he doesn't get to answer all the questions and has to wait for others to take a turn. In the end he finds out why he needs to wait. My students LOVE watching these puppet videos as do my kids at home! Includes: -13 slides -First slide is directions -Second slide is the video (approximately 6.5 minutes long) - Slides 3-13 are comprehension questions regarding the story and what it means to be patient. - All questions and possible answers are read to the child by clicking on the voice prompt (so students do not need to be able to read) -2 choices of answers/card Let's Be Friends! Follow me on here and on Instagram @anniesclassroom for more FREE activities you can do with kids!