Gingerbread Man Speech and Language Activities

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by Stacy Crouse

Price: 650 points or $6.5 USD

Subjects: speech,expressiveLanguage,receptiveLanguage,articulation,holiday

Grades: 14,13,1,2

Description: This Boom Cards™ deck contains 7 different activities to help you use a gingerbread theme in most or all of your speech therapy sessions! Target your students' language and speech goals using this variety of interactive tasks. This resource coordinates with other gingerbread materials you may have, but also contains so many activities that you can use it alone for multiple students and even multiple sessions. With so many sections to choose from, it's great for mixed groups or whole classes! Several types of digital interaction will keep your elementary students engaged in both teletherapy and face-to-face therapy. The deck contains... ✅ Clickable answer buttons ✅ Fillable text boxes ✅ Moveable pieces ✅ Easy and quick clickable navigation You can use this deck with or without The Gingerbread Man book. Three included activities coordinate with the plot of the story: -Answer COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS about the story -Use pictures of the story to RETELL THE STORY, and use PAST TENSE VERBS to complete it a sentence -Practice specific ARTICULATION sounds/pairs (r, l, s/z, sh/j, f/v, k/g) with a picture from the story and 5 targets about the picture. Four activities are related to making/decorating gingerbread man cookies: -SEQUENCE 4 STEPS of making gingerbread cookies, creating a sentence about each. -Answer WH- QUESTIONS about making gingerbread cookies. -Learn KITCHEN/BAKING VOCAB and follow directions using the words. -Identify SYNONYMS and ANTONYMS of underlined words