Money Search US 4 Find the correct value with any 2 or more coins

deck thumbnail

by Christopher D. Morgan

Price: 395 points or $3.95 USD

Subjects: math

Grades: 1,2,3,4

Description: A fun game of wordsearch... but with a twist. Find the indicated value of US coins in the wordsearch grid with 2 or more coins in this fun money counting game. This is just like a regular wordsearch puzzle but instead of letters, combinations of American coins are used. The deck contains a mixture of easier and harder grids to solve and is randomised. Only one solution exists on each card, so once the value in coins has been found, the student can advance to the next card in the deck. The student is presented with a grid of coins and asked to find a specific value using any combination of 2 coins in a straight line, horizontally, vertically or diagonally, just by clicking on them. Only once they have found the one and only occurrence of the value indicated, the card be solved and you are advanced to the next card in the deck. Decks in this series: - Money Search US 1: Find all occurrences of the specific value using the indicated coins (easiest) - Money Search US 2: Find the specific value with exactly 3 coins (harder) - Money Search US 3: Find the specific value with exactly 4 coins (harder still) - Money Search US 4: Find the specific value with any 2 or more coins (hardest) See also the same decks in other currencies, such as Euro, Canadian dollar & Australian dollar [coming soon!].