Price: 125 points or $1.25 USD
Subjects: firstDayOfSpring,seasonSummer,firstDayOfAutumn,easter,countingAndCardinality,specialed
Grades: 13,1,2
Description: Counting 11 to 20 - Each card displays a carrot showing a different number of teeth. Count the teeth and type the correct number on the poster in the fill-in-the-blank box and then tap/click the ‘Submit’ button. If you have counted correctly, you will hear a bell sound and the deck will advance to the next card. If you are incorrect, you will hear a whoops sound and you can type again until you are correct. Feedback is instant. Skills practiced: • Practice counting and cardinality • Review numbers • Counting objects – one to one correspondence • Fun and engaging game for all abilities The cards are randomized – each time you play the deck the cards will be in a different order. Have fun and thank you for your interest!