Making Predictions - Reading Skills 3-4

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Price: 200 points or $2 USD

Subjects: ela

Grades: 3,4

Description: Inferences and predictions are very closely related. Both require students to use evidence, background knowledge, to make an educated guess. The difference lies in one discusses future events (prediction), while another (inference) is created around an analysis based on evidence and clues. Students are engaged in a quick story where they must gather monsters by answering questions correctly. They need enough monsters to defeat the evil Stenchsoul. This gives students a little extra motivation to persist with the work. WHAT YOU GET *20 Reading Skill Challenges *Free download (Making Predictions - Extra Resource Pack) *This pack includes student answer sheet, teacher answer key, and 5 FREE Remedial Cards (Cards are in paper-pencil form) A free student answer sheet is offered in our store. It is called "Making Predictions Extra Resource Pack" Students use this answer sheet to help monitor their success for this activity. If they get the question correct, they circle a “monster,” if it is still a challenge, they leave the monster alone. This allows students to track their data. These cards are geared towards the following Common Core Standards for grades 3 and 4. CCSS.ELA-(RL3.1, RL4.1, RI 3.1, RI4.1) Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.