5th Grade/5.NBT.A.1 Whole-Number Place Value

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by Math Mom Repeat

Price: 250 points or $2.5 USD

Subjects: math,mathElementary,baseTen,placeValue

Grades: 4,5

Description: If students struggle with understanding whole number place value, that will really hurt them in most other 5th grade math. This Boom Card Deck gives students the opportunity to understand whole-number place value in a variety of different ways. This Boom Card deck includes 24 slides: -1 title slide, - 2 essential vocabulary slides (identifying place value and matching vocabulary slide), -2 identifying a number in word form, -3 write the value of the underlined digit, -2 comparing place value teacher slides, -4 compare value practice slides, -3 write the standard form given expanded, -3 write the exponential form given the standard form, -2 write the expanded given the standard, -2 write the exponential given the standard. Use this Boom Card Deck: -For early finishers -For homework -For test review -For intervention -For whole group/small group instruction -For math centers/stations -I hope your students love these Boom Card Decks as much as mine do. -