Rhythmic Dictation with Half Notes, Quarter Rests, Eighth & Quarter Notes

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by The Performing Arts Classroom

Price: 270 points or $2.7 USD

Subjects: art,music

Grades: 2,3

Description: Help students transcribe rhythm patterns! This digital resource develops listening skills through drag-and-drop dictation exercises. Focusing on patterns that use a combination of quarter notes, eighth note pairs, quarter rests, and half notes, this particular level was designed primarily for use beginning with 2nd grade students in the spring semester or 3rd grade students. An answer key is included in the Teacher Guide. 6 exercises featuring patterns that only include either half notes and quarter notes or half notes and pairs of eighth notes 5 exercises featuring patterns that include a mixture of half notes, quarter notes, and pairs of eighth notes 6 exercises featuring patterns that include a mixture of half notes, quarter rests, quarter notes, and pairs of eighth notes 10 exercises featuring longer patterns of 6 to 8 beats, combining patterns from prior levels For each exercise, students listen to the provided rhythm pattern recording and drag the available rhythm “element cards” into the “beat boxes” to notate the performed sequence. Standard notation is used to represent rhythm elements, and each one appears on individual cards which can be placed on white squares, or “beat boxes,” that each represent a single beat. Time signatures appear in simplified form with a quarter note in the denominator. The recorded rhythm patterns use a recorder sound on a steady pitch in order to clarify the sustain of the half notes.