Price: 400 points or $4 USD
Subjects: speech,specialed,expressiveLanguage,receptiveLanguage,communicationSkills,Special Autism,firstDayOfSpring
Grades: 14,13,1,2,3
Description: Adapted Book Level 1 (3 word utterances): Includes a 15-page adapted book targeting the carrier phrase "I can" + action words (blow, fly, hold, ride, carry, eat, drink, make, water, plant, push, look, swing, sit, and recycle). Students chose the correct action word icon and drag it onto a sentence strip along the bottom of the page. Students can then use the sentence strip to describe what they see (e.g., I can eat). Adapted Book Level 2 (5-6 word utterances): Includes a 15-page adapted book targeting the carrier phrase "I can" + action words (blow, fly, hold, ride, carry, eat, drink, make, water, plant, push, look, swing, sit, and recycle) + nouns. Students chose the correct action word icon and drag it onto a sentence strip along the bottom of the page. Students can then use the sentence strip to describe what they see (e.g., I can eat a sandwich). This resource also includes 15 receptive ID pages. Students ID action words from a choice of 3 within a picture scene.