Digital For French

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About me: <p>⭐ I'm a <b>French teacher</b>, experienced in both primary and secondary schools. I'm passionate about integrating technology into my class.</p> <p>Here you will find digital resources to use in your classroom or through distance learning.</p> <p>🎁 Try my FREE Boom Cards in my store</p> <p>📝 Also check the printables Section</p> <p> </p> <p>✅ French First Language or French Immersion</p> <p>✅ French Additional or Second Language or French Core</p> <p>✅ English Additional or Second Language </p> <p>✅ Worksheets, Printable, Classroom Decor, Google Slides, Google Forms...</p> <p> </p> <p>Visit my website</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>
