Leigh's Library

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About me: <p>Hi! I'm Leigh Ulrich, I love making resources that will get kids excited about learning. Early elementary has my heart and I am especially committed to helping K-2 students master important foundational skills. </p> <p>After a fulfilling 30-year teaching career, I retired in 2022. My career included two decades in first grade, along with experience in second, third (2 years), and fourth grades. During my final six years as a full-time educator, I transitioned into the role of K-2 media coordinator. Currently, I am working as a part-time 2nd grade Dual Language Immersion English teacher.</p> <p>One of my favorite times of the day is when my students beg for "Boom Time" during literacy centers! While they perceive it as playtime, I know they are gaining valuable review and practice.</p> <p>Explore my K-2 math and literacy Boom Cards, where learning is both fun and impactful.</p> <p> </p> <p>Experience, Education, and Credentials:</p> <p>North Carolina Elementary Teacher (24 years); North Carolina Media Coordinator (6 years)</p> <p>BA in Psychology; K-6 Certification; K-12 Reading Certification; AIG Certification; NBCT</p> <p>Master's in Reading; Master's in Library Science</p>

Grades: 13,1,2