Speechie Trish

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About me: <p>Trish Friedlander is a trained, licenced and certified speech-language pathologist and has worked in the field for over 25 years. She received her undergraduate degree from Ithaca College in Speech Pathology, a Master's Degree in Speech Pathology from Georgia State University and a Master's degree in Elementary Education from Plattsburgh State University. She has been trained in Natural Language Aquisition and gestalt language processing in addition to childhood apraxia of speech. She also has vast experience with augmentative and alternative communication. She is currently providing in person and tele-therapy services for children in the Early Intervention and Preschool programs in New York State.  She has a private practice and provides speech and language services in elementary schools, preschools,, daycares, homes and in clinics as an itinerant speech language patholigist. She also provides trainings to other professionals regarding communication disorders and langauge and literacy.   Check out her website to see some resources in action and for her blog @speechietrish.com</p>

Grades: 14,13,1